Document classification: public
By default, STS10 and SPN9 have timeout preventing large files (taking more than 1 hour) to be translated.
This article describes the timeouts to adjust to be able to translate larger files.
1) Dispatcher
Edit /opt/systran/translation-dispatcher/etc/std.cfg and update the following timeouts (in ms)
default-time-to-live = 3600000 # queued jobs expire after 1h
default-timeout = 3600000 # job timout: 1h
Restart Dispatcher
2) RabbitMQ queues
Adjust the Queue expiration setting:
Restart ses-console and ses-file-translation-consumer services
3) Queue max size adjustment
RabbitMQ queues have a default size limit that is ~128MB (134217728 bytes). A payload larger than that will be refused. In that case dispatcher will raise such error:
SystranTranslationDispatcher[1641068]: 2024-May-15 10:43:05.292807 UTC [Channel error] ERROR 406 PRECONDITION_FAILED - message size 202860999 is larger than configured max size 134217728 - The client requested a method that was not allowed because some precondition failed.
To avoid this, best is to increase max size to the max value 512MB ( by editing /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
{kernel, [
{rabbit, [
{max_message_size, 536870912},
{tcp_listen_options, [binary, {packet,raw},
{default_user, <<"guest">>},
{default_pass, <<"guest">>}
{rabbitmq_management_agent, [
{force_fine_statistics, false}
Note size of the RabbitMQ payload is the size of the translated file in its XLIFF pivot format, not the size of the source file (or the translated file).