This article describes steps to add your SYSTRAN Office 365 Add-ins in your Ms Office applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint & Outlook)
1) Prerequesites
- manifest.xml file (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) provided by your SYSTRAN representative (when hosted by SYSTRAN) or generated following the guide [SPN9] Generate SYSTRAN o365 Add-ins
- manifest-outlook.xml (Outlook) provided by your SYSTRAN representative (when hosted by SYSTRAN) or generated following the guide [SPN9] Generate SYSTRAN o365 Add-ins
- O365 admin account for "Central deployment".
2) Add-ins deployment
The deployment of SYSTRAN O365 plugin consist of two steps:
1. Sideloading the addin via the web portal of Office 365 to test the connection and translation. This step do not requires admin rights.
2. Central deployment for the add-in to integrate the plugin with desktop version of Office Application. Requires O365 admin account.
2.1) Sideload the Add-ins
Sideloading is useful to test the Add-ins before deploying to users at a larger scale. Sideloading guidance from Microsoft is available from
Main steps to Sideload SYSTRAN o365 Add-ins
- Open the Office application in a Web Browser
- Open a new document
- Switch to the classic Ribbon:
- Select Insert then Add-ins
- Click on Upload My Add-in
- Select your manifest.xml (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) or manifest-outlook.xml (Outlook) and Upload.
Your plugin will be added in the Ribbon. You can then click on the new plugin and follow the steps to login.
2.2) Central deployment
Guidance to deploy your SYSTRAN o365 Add-ins are avaiable in a Microsoft article:
In Microsoft 365 administration console, go to the Add-ins page as administrator:
- Click on Deploy Add-Ins then on Next
- Choose Upload custom apps
- Select Upload your manifest file (.xml) on this device, then choose your manifest (manifest.xml or manifest-outlook.xml ) and click on Upload
- Configure the type of deployment for the add-in according to your needs then click on Deploy