This article will help you to fix an non working ABBYY plugin deployment. To install ABBYY plugin, kindly go to
1) ABBYY Installation checklist
1.1 Confirm ABBYY license has been activated from ABBYY license manager
systemctl enable abbyy-license && systemctl start abbyy-license
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/lib
cd /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/lib
1.2 ABBYY license is set on SYSTRAN side
cat /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/etc/plugin.cfg
1.3 Confirm your ABBYY version is align with SYSTRAN filter version
Step 1) Identify your SYSTRAN filter version from https://SERVER/en/advancedConfiguration/translationResources (if STS10) or or https://SERVER/advancedConfiguration/translationResources (SPN9)
Step 2) Identify ABBYY version deployed:
rpm -qa | grep -i abbyy
or (requires you to contact your SYSTRAN representative)
md5sum /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/bin/
1.4 Confirm ABBYY has been started by your filter
Execute the following and ensure --set filter_ocr_plugin=/opt/systran/filter/plugins parameter is set along SystranFilterEngine process
ps -aux | grep SystranFilterEngine
1.5 Confirm filter as been restarted following installation/configuration
Restart filter:
pkill -9 -f SystranFilterEngine
1.6 Test!
Along ABBYY PDF testing, ensure license pages are consumed by running:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/lib
cd /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/lib
Ensure also other file type are properly translated.
2) Additionnal checks
The following checks are useful if ABBYY components were deployed manually.
1. Typos
Common typos have been seen on the followings :
1.1 Name of the plugin folder
It must be named /opt/systran/filter/plugins
1.2 Name of the plugin configuration file
It must be named plugin.cfg (note that there isn't any "s" at the end of plugin).
1.3 Content of the configuration file
During the plugin installation phase, the configuration file (plugin.cfg) must be updated with the license number.
Note the format of the content line :
license = SWEE-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234
Check any typos on the name of the parameter : license
2. Content of folders
The /opt/systran/filter/plugins folder must only contain abbyy folder. Any other file or folder within /opt/systran/filter/plugins will prevent the plugin from being used by the filter.
As indicated in the install procedure, the /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy must only contain the following folders (pay attention to the case as well):
# ls -l /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy
drwxr-xr-x 2 systran systran 4096 bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 systran systran 4096 Data
drwxr-xr-x 2 systran systran 4096 etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 systran systran 4096 lib
Any other file or folder within /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy will prevent the plugin from being used by the filter.
3. Symbolic links
When the folder /opt/systran folder (or any other related) is linked to another location, the rights must be carefully checked. Especially read and write for the systran user.
4. User rights
4.1 check read and write rights for the systran user.
as root, change user identity to systran:
su - systran
check you can browse the tree starting from : /opt/systran/filter
check you can "cat" the following file plugin.cfg :
cat /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/etc/plugin.cfg
check you can browse the tree starting from : /var/lib/ABBYY/
4.2 Check execution rights for systran user
Using systran identity, try to launch the /opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/lib/LicenseManager.Console
don't forget to
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/systran/filter/plugins/abbyy/lib
5. Trace mode
Edit file /opt/systran/translation-resource-monitor/workspace/[ID of the masterTR]/config_default_options.cfg
Add the following:
log-level = TRACE
move MANIFEST file (located along config_default_options.cfg) to MANIFEST.keep
Restart instance
=> Log will be generated in /var/log/systran/translation-resources
Launch a file translation from the console and wait for the log file size to grow up.
after the translation is finished, edit the filter log file (err or out) and look for the following string within that file : abbyy
Tips: empty first the log before testing again >log...-err.txt
7. Check number of pages left for the license after file translation
Please refer to the following article to check the number of available page: Check number of pages
After any page translation is done using the ABBYY plugin, the license manager (from ABBYY) decreases the number of pages left for the installed license.
- Check the number of page left before launching the file translation and check it after the translation is completed
- Compare the two results.
- If the number of page remains the same, then ABBYY plugin hasn't been used.