Before proceeding make sure you have at hand the License (product Key) sent by your SYSTRAN representative.
Enter your product key
1. Log in on your SYSTRAN Server and go to Administration \ Licenses tab
2. Click on the button Add Product Key
3. Copy paste the product key given by your SYSTRAN representative.
4. Click Submit
You have succesfully inserted your license!
Activate your license
Now it has to be activated:
1. Click on the small wheel button and select Activate
2. Select the activation method: Offline Activation
3. Connect to to generate your activation code or contact your SYSTRAN support team and give them your Installation ID and license to get your activation code.
4. Enter the Activation Code
5. Click Submit. Your license is activated!
6. Finally, restart console service in SSH
systemctl restart systran-ses-console
[Optional step]
Once you have succesfully added your new license, delete all other existing licenses.