The aim of this article is to present the different statistics you can find in the menu Statistics of STS10. The presentation of the statistics is different from the SPN9 one. Your personal statistics are separate from the all the other statistics of the server. We will see them in details.
- Have a STS10 server
- Have an access with an administrator role
What are the different statistics?
1) My statistics
They are visible in "Monitoring" alongside with the Translation Reviews:
You can find here your translation requests by month, for the last one year. The requests can be filtered by Language Pair, Profile Name/ID, Mime type or User agent.
This menu will display the:
- Number of requests and successes for each language pair
- Total number of segments translated and segments in cache
- Number of characters and characters in cache
- Elapsed time in ms
- User agent used (Translation box, Translation Alternatives, File Translate box, WebTranslate, Gateway, Chrome Extension, Office Add-ins, etc.)
2) Advanced statistics
They show the different statistics that are in the server including yours. There are different categories of statistics as Users, Groups, Profiles, Sessions and Full view:
The Users Statistics are the place where you can find all the requests made by a specific user in a particular month:
The requests can be filtered by Profile Name/ID, Language Pair, Mime Type or User agent.
Below are a list of things you can have:
- Number of requests and successes for each language pair or profile name
- Total of segments translated and segments in cache
- Number of characters and characters in cache
- Elapsed time in ms
- User agent used
The Groups Statistics are the same as the users statistics, but the requests are for groups, so you can select a particular group in a particular month:
The Profiles Statistics can list translation requests (based on the translation profile) for a period of time:
They can be filtered by Language Pair or Profile Name.
This is what can be displayed there:
- Number of requests, successes and errors for each language pair
- Success rate
- “Segment cache hits” that shows the number of segments that have been retrieved from the cache
- Number of characters & tokens
- Average number of characters & tokens
- Elapsed time and average elapsed time (in ms)
These statistics give a list of the requests done by a user for a period of time:
It is more precise than the previous cited statistics. The requests can be filtered by User Name, Language Pair, Profile name, Operation, Mime type or User agent.
The things you can have here are:
- Date, User Name and Language Pair of each operation (translate/file, translate/async/file or detect/language)
- Profile used
- Operation (e.g. translate/file)
- Success of the operation (true or false)
- Elapsed time
- Mime Type (e.g. text/plain)
- “Segment cache hits” that shows the number of segments that have been retrieved from the cache
- Number of characters
- Number of tokens
- Number of TUs (Translation Units)
- Failed TUs
- User agent used
Full View
It gives the full statistics in the server for a period of time:
It lists each task or request separately. These statistics are like the sessions statistics, but they are more precise and detailed. The requests can be filtered by User Name, Language Pair, Profile name, Operation, Success state, Mime type or User agent.
[The statistics can be exported in a CSV file]