This procedure explains how to install Translation Resources on SES v8 when SES v8 is not connected to the Internet
- Go to using your TRS credentials
- Then go to Translation Resources and select "Show only Master TRs" and "Show only last version"
- In the Distribution filter field, select the OS of the server where SES v8 is installed
The next step is to import the filter. On the search box kindly look for the “Filter” under the translation resources. You can directly locate the resource by typing its name in the search box.
For instance:
You should have only 1 corresponding filter appearing in the list. Check if your operating system is displayed in the below field, and then click on "Download" and "JSON" separately.
S Model
When you want to install the ‘S model’, you should download the S model along with its dependencies, needed on SES v8.
In the “search” field in the upper right corner look for the Translation Resource you want to install (ENFR here)
If you click on Dependencies you should be seeing dependencies needed by each resource. In this case 3 dependencies are needed by this Translation Resource ENFR
3rdParty version 9
Common version 9
LingRessource_enfr version 3
You need to find these 3 dependencies, with the right version, on the TRS
Enter 3rdParty in the filter search field and uncheck "Show only Master TRs"
And click on Download and JSON to retrieve the complete package.
Do the same for Common as for 3rdParty, Click on Download and JSON
For lingresource_enfr, you should remove the distribution from the filter field on the left: this dependency is the same for Red Hat or Windows. Click on Download and JSON
3rdParty and Common are needed only once, if it's already installed with the right version, it doesn't need to be installed for each Translation Resource.
Only lingresource_XXXX is needed for each Translation Resource, with the right version
M Model
If you are running version 8.6 or more on CentOS 7 or RHEL 7, and your license allows you then you can install NMT resources.
Here an example of ENFR NMT resource:
We will detail the procedure for NMT resources, but the logic is the same as for Hybrid, SPE or SMT M models. Below we can see the ENFR generic (M) NMT Translation Resource
Click on Download and JSON, and on Dependencies to display all dependencies needed for this Translation Resource
Look for the dependencies with the right version, here:
3rd Party version 9
Common version 9
LingResource_enfr version 3
SystranTranslationEngineBin_enfr version 9.0
SystranTranslationEngineNMTData_enfr_Generic version 1.0.2
Look for 3rdParty. When it is displayed, check the version and distribution, and click on Download and JSON:
Look for Common. When it is displayed, check the version and distribution, and click on Download and JSON:
Look for LingResource_enfr. When it is displayed, check the version, click on Download and JSON (Distribution is not relevant here because the dependency is the same for Windows or Linux):
Look for SystranTranslationEngineBin_enfr. When it is displayed, check the version and distribution, click on Download and JSON:
Look for SystranTranslationEngineNMTData_enfr_Generic. When it is displayed, check the version and distribution, click on Download and JSON.
Be careful, the version requested on Master TR, in this case it was 1.0.2, so please make sure that you download the right version of the dependencies.
After downloading the packages
Once the download is done, please place all the contents (Json and tar.gz) in the same folder (windows)/directory(Linux):
mkdir TRdownloads
mv *.json *.tar.gz TRdownloads/
The same applies for Windows
Import on Linux
To import all the Translation Resourcess downloaded, please go to your server using ssh and go to:
Then execute the following:
node trs-local-import-directory.js -d /Path/Where/is/TRdownloads/
The command should display a “success” at the end
Import on Windows
Go to server via RDP and go to:
c:\program Files\Systran Enterprise Server\Systran Translation Resource Store\
Then execute the following:
node trs-local-import-directory.js -d c:\users\Downloads\TRdownloads\
The command should display a success at the end
Install TR downloaded
Translation Resource Store
Go to your server’s URL using https://servername:3443 and connect with Admin rights
Under Settings - Translation Resource Store
In the Filter search field in the right upper corner look for the TR named “filter”:
Enter the Language Pair you want to install (English to French here)
Once you have identified the Translation Resource, click on Import :
Once you have clicked on the Import button, you should then be seeing a "Re-import" button, as displayed below:
Advanced Configuration
Go to Settings - Advanced Configuration
Look for the filter Translation Resource you have imported (In this case : 437aed44-d8c8-4d82-8631-6c44102fe448)
Put 1 instance in the requested field and click "Apply"
Click on refresh button to verify that the TR is instatiated.
Once it is instantiated, you can add a route. Depending on the usage kindly select Public or private route. For the filter it is highly recommended to add a public route.
Translation Resource
Look for the Language Pair you have imported (here : be8c15d9-ec8d-47a7-b32b-b8e9204b8056 - ENFR)
Unlike above, kindly instantiate the resource:
Enter 1 in the Number of Instances Requested field and click Apply
When clicking on Computing nodes, you should see that the Translation Resource is now downloading (depending on your connection and the RAM on your server, it could take more or less time).
After a while, click on Refresh. You should see 1 under Number of Instances Requested
When the Translation Resource is installed, add a route and choose Public access
Under Routes, you should now see your Public route with the corresponding ID (here 1c26ee36-......)
You should now be able to translate from English into French