Reinstall a desktop product
Incase of instability of the application or changing versions for upgrade or corrupted installation, you should consider uninstalling Systran Desktop app
The proper way to completely remove Systran desktop application from your system:
Verify that the application is not being executed during the whole process
- Go to your Windows notification panel
- Check if Systran tray icon is there, it means Systran application is still running
- Right click on the tray icon and choose to exit the program
- Go to windows task manager and check from the running programs' list that no SYSTRAN executable is running ( if yes then end the task for the program)
Once the above is done, you are ready to uninstall the program
- Uninstall Systran
- Go to Windows Control Panel
- Select ‘Programs’
- Then select Programs and features
- Click on Uninstall a program
- Select on Systran App and click on Uninstall from the taskbar on the top
- Deactivate your antivirus and your windows firewall
- Go to Registry edit (press WINDOWS + R together and then run ==> regedit) and search for Systran
- Delete all the contents that you find in the registry editor concerning Systran
- Restart your PC
- Deactivate your antivirus
- Reinstall Systran following the proper installation procedure
- Add Systran programs to your antivirus exception manager
- Restart your antivirus and restart your Systran application.