This article describes how to track the link to a translation job from SES/SPNS web interface till RabbitMQ queue management list.
1.SES 8.X or SPNS 9.X preinstalled
1.1 Access to Advanced configuration>Translation resources page ( Ask you SystemAdmin to provide you with an access)
2. RabbitMQ port 15672 whitelisted on firewall
2.2 RabbitMQ can be accessed via http://your_server_name.mysystran.com:15672
Required : RabbitMQ userID and Password ( Ask you SystemAdmin to provide you with an access)
Steps to follow
Login to your Systran server and go to the following location
Next go to Translation Resources
Next choose a translation resource (TR) to which the queue of Rabbitmq will be located. For example below, we will track the queue for the Filter.
TR => Filter
By click on the small arrow sign on the left hand panel you can elaborate the menu
Scroll down to the botttom to find the Profile associated
Click on the profile to find the QueueID
Clicking on the above Queue-ID you can locate the Queue Name which is identical to that one of RabbitMQ
Copy this Queue Name and log-in to your RabbitMQ GUI webpage
Upon successful login locate the Queue list by clicking on the TAB Queues
Look for filter field and paste the queue name previously copied
Now you can locate the queue name to carry forward advanced operations on this queue.
For RBMT, SMT and NMT 1st generation (Torch) Translation engines, the above procedure is valid and the way to track the ques is the same (if the translation resource has 1 instance.
For example:
For NMT 2nd Generation ( Tensorflow) Translation engines, however this phenomen is different.
For example, here we will check Translator NMT Generic (M) - FREN V9.2.3
Now the main translation engine has a route associated with it
However, this route has no Queue ID associated
Click on the button below to elaborate and you will find 'Routes Dependencies'
Now the Routes dependency has the Queue ID you are looking for
Click on the above ID to locate the tracable queue of RabbitMQ