This article aimes to provide with a simple and quick guide on how to troubleshoot the CMLESS Relativity connector, if the queue is simply not moving/ stuck or simply if the translation job is stuck.
Note: valid from CMLESS Relativity connector >=
1. Ensure you SYSTRAN Pure Neural server is translating
Connect to SYSTRAN Pure Neural Server Web UI to ensure your server is translating using the translation box.
You can also perform a browser API translation test to check if the translation on the SPN9 is working properly.
2. Check latest statistics in SPNS from Relativity
Check the latest Statistics in "Session view" from Relativity user, that will provide pointer as to the last working translations and when system stopped translating.
3. CMLESS Relativity connector - Relativity Agent server
Ask customer to check the Relativity “kCura EDDS Agent Manager” and “kCura Web Processing” services and ensure these are running on Relativity Agent server.
4. CMLESS Relativity connector - Check the running language pairs
From the Translation Troubleshooting page check the active SPNS languages using the "Check Language Pairs" button to ensure all translators are working.
5. CMLESS Relativity connector - Try a 'Test Translation'
Testing translations ensure the desired translation results are generated using the same process as the CMLess Relativity agent. Simply enter one or more sentences or phrases to translate in the textbox and press the Test Translation button in Translation Troubleshooting page
6. CMLESS Relativity connector - Verify in "Translation Queue" jobs' status
Check if the Relativity jobs have been in "pending" or "started" status for the past days, without "Completion Time" :
This means the jobs have not been processed this much time.
7. CMLESS Relativity connector - Verify in "Translation Status List" for errors
Check of any messages / errors in "Translation Status List" for messages/errors which may provide pointers to root cause.
8. CMLESS Relativity connector - Restart agent / disable and create another agent
- It may be useful to restart the CMLess Relativity agent and check the behaviour.
If restarting the agent does not help, you can disable agent and create another one on same Windows Agent Server or another Windows Agent Server.
- Disabling the Agent :
Perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the Server & Agent Management > Agents tab. Select the name of the CMLess Relativity agent – “SYSTRAN RC Agent”.
2. To disable the agent, go to the Status section and change the "Enabled" value to “No”.
3. Press the Save button.
- Creating an agent : Ask the customer to create the agent as he is familiar with such operations. For example, he will know on which Windows Server Agent to proceed, etc ...
- Restarting the Disabled Agent : If an agent has been disabled for any reason,
you can restart it in the “Agents” tab.
1. Navigate to the Server & Agent Management > Agents tab. Select the name of the CMLess Relativity agent – “SYSTRAN RC Agent”.
2. To enable the agent, go to the Status section and change the "Enabled" value to “Yes”.
3. Press the Save button.
If the issue still persists, then you can generate the support info and check for the primary errors.
9. CrowdStrike
Ask Customer to check if Windows CrowdStrike protection is active and could block the returned translations from Systran SPNS.
Such logs are seen :
The fix is to reboot the Relativity (agent ?) server.
10. CMLESS Relativity connector - Generate the support info, from the relativity agent
To generate the information, press the Export Support Info button in Translation Troubleshooting page.
Support info will be downloaded and can be provided to SYSTRAN Technical Support.
It is also recommended that the language pair check be included with the information sent to SYSTRAN